Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.

– Henry David Thoreau

Well it’s autumn grounding time now. Some of you have also asked about winter grounding. Yes, it’s still powerful to ground then too. I’ll share about the benefits of cold exposure in next week’s newsletter. My daughter was taking bets in the family on whether we’ll have snow for the Christmas holidays. Now that will make for a good grounding picture!

As it’s getting colder, it’s easy to stay inside more. That can leave us feeling disconnected—from others and from the healing power of nature. Even a few minutes of grounding each day can make a big difference. 

🌱 What is Grounding?

Grounding, or earthing, is the practice of connecting your body directly with the Earth by standing or walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil (concrete actually works too). 

When we connect with the Earth, electrons from its surface flow into our bodies acting as natural antioxidants. These electrons neutralize excess free radicals, reducing oxidative stress—a key factor in inflammation and aging. Grounding also influences the nervous system, helping shift us from “fight or flight” mode into a relaxed, balanced state.

💪 Health Benefits of Grounding

  1. Reduces Inflammation: Studies have shown that grounding can decrease markers of inflammation and produce a healthier immune response.
  2. Improves Sleep Quality: Grounding helps balance circadian rhythms, improving sleep by reducing cortisol levels (the stress hormone).
  3. Relieves Stress and Boosts Mood: Direct contact with the Earth has been shown to reduce stress levels, promote relaxation, and elevate mood.
  4. Enhances Recovery and Reduces Pain: Many athletes use grounding to help reduce muscle soreness and speed recovery times so imagine how much it can help us normal folks.

Try incorporating grounding into your daily routine. Start with just 10 minutes a day – and you can grab some sunlight at the same time. Your body, mind, and mood will thank you. 

Lisa Gylsen
Lisa Gylsen

Hi! I’m HealthCoachLisa. In addition to health coaching, I’m also a biofeedback practitioner, and a home educating mom to 2 teenagers, 2 dogs & a cat. I mentor health freedom seekers through coaching, training, and sharing holistic health info that really resonates with me. Read more...